Cultura events in rome

Events and things to do in Rome this weekend!

Some of the cultural initiatives scheduled for the next days in the Eternal City. Enjoy the events in Rome this weekend!

Things to do in Rome this weekend: events, food, exhibitions

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Another weekend in Rome begins with exhibitions, shows, events and a lot of things to do in the city.

Parallel suggests some slightly more niche events (but not only) so that your events in Rome at the weekend can always be interesting.

Here are some of the cultural initiatives scheduled for the next few days in the Eternal City.

Don’t know what to do in Rome with the kids this weekend? No problem, we’ve thought of you too!

Enjoy the events in Rome this weekend and have a lot of fun with Parallel‘s tips!

What to do in Rome this weekend: some ideas for you


Museum of Dreamers

Museum of Dreamers will remain open until Saturday May 18, 2024 inside the PratiBus District in Viale Angelico.

You can immerse yourself in a dream world and discovering the 21 immersive installations, which make up the exhibition itinerary, will therefore continue to be available to the public.

MoD has captured the imagination of adults and children alike, transporting visitors on an exciting and memorable journey.

Among the most popular installations there are:

  • the iconic “Enjoy Today” ball pool
  • the magical ice world of “Enchanted“
  • the incredible apartment in reverse “Change Perspective“

Plus many other surprises waiting to be discovered and experienced.

Info and tickets on


Photography: “Garbatella, il cuore di un quartiere” by Zhanna Stankovych

42 photographs and 3 photographic collages tell the story of Garbatella.

Il cuore di un quartiere in 100 battiti di luce” continues, the photographic exhibition by Zhanna Stankovych at the Museo delle Mura.

On display are the architectural virtues and the stories of the people who, with their dedication, changed the face of this characteristic Roman neighborhood.

The photography exhibition is the result of a multi-year photographic project carried out by Zhanna Stankovych.

Open until February 18th. Free entry.


Theatre: “Intrattenimento violento” at the Argot Studio

At Argot Studio the first appointment of the new year is with Eleonora Danco who presents “Intrattenimento violento”.

An intense, enthralling reading-performance. A concert, a record, a canvas that is torn to pieces.

The Roman director, playwright and performer condenses into the show stories of characters on the road, states of mind, fragments, pieces of life.

The ups and downs of the days, from references to childhood to the conditioning of education in adult life.

Excerpts from the repertoire of Eleonora Danco presented in the form of a performance. A physical and unpredictable read.

Until January 21st. Info and tickets on


Dance: “Vertigine”, the 2024 contemporary dance season

The Teatro Palladium, the Teatro Libreria Quarticciolo and the Spazio Rossellini host Vertigine, the third edition of the dance season of Orbita | Spellbound.

The exhibition is curated by the co-director of the Center Valentina Marini and will run from 12th January to 23rd May 2024.

Over the next 5 months there will be 24 shows including 3 world premieres, a national premiere, 3 previews, 3 roman premieres.

Furthermore, 3 authorial focuses, 2 artistic residencies and rehearsals open to the public but also a round table on support strategies for young careers in the choreographic field.

Dont’ forget the after show party to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Spellbound Contemporary Ballet.


Food: La Sardegna di Vinodabere at the Hotel Belstay

The appointment with La Sardegna di Vinodabere is back. An event in which it will be possible to meet many quality wine producers from the island.

The mini festival on 21 and 22 January at the Hotel Belstay offers whites, rosés, reds, sweet wines, oxidative wines.

The entire wine universe of Sardinia concentrated in an event that represents a real journey through the various territories of the Region.

Alghero, Gallura, Mamoiada, Mandrolisai, Ogliastra, Oliena, Orgosolo: top quality products will arrive from here and from many other parts of Sardinia.

Info and tickets HERE.


Theater: “Sesto Potere” at the Ambra Jovinelli

Sesto Potere“, the new pièce by Davide Sacco with Francesco Montanari, Cristiano Caccamo, Nina Torresi and Matteo Cecchi, will continue until January 21st.

After the fourth estate of the press and the fifth estate of television there is therefore a sixth estate.

This is much more subtle, much more base.

It slips between smartphones, into Facebook notifications, and into Instagram stories.

An invisible power, just as the one who commands it is always invisible and it is always unknown why he does it.

A danger in our hands, a continuous brainwashing.

A power that none of us can escape.

A social, viral manipulation that occurs at the hands (or words) of social networks.

A dense network of information that keeps us constantly connected and stimulated by a force that acts on our minds and exercises a power the true extent of which is unknown.

Sacco‘s work investigates this. And even more the emptiness of these worlds.

Tickets for Ambra Jovinelli Theater are available HERE.


Children: Casina di Raffaello’s activities

At the Casina di Raffaello girls and boys will be able to have fun and learn with many fun-educational workshops until January 28th,

Every Saturday and Sunday adults with their younger children, aged 2 to 4, will be able to play together modeling clay to create lots of biscuits.

Or they can draw with colored markers and stamps.

Even girls and boys aged 4 to 6 will be able to have fun creating beautiful decorations with clay and colours, or one of the “malfatti” from Beatrice Alemagna‘s stories.

Girls and boys aged 6 to 11 will be able to have fun building their own miniature winter village.

Or to create a story that can continually change by overlapping and breaking down transparent funds.

The booking for the activities and the related online payment are mandatory by calling the call center 060608 (open every day 9am-7pm).

The cost of each workshop is 7 euros per child.

Info and details on the program, costs and timetables can be found on


Theater: “Cinghiali” at the Teatro de’ Servi

The topic is hot and even more so for the city of Rome.

Faced with such a complex reality, human beings tend to resolve with a banal “let’s kill the wild boars“.

But what would happen if we left the word to nature? What if we let the boars talk?

Would we be ready for a confrontation with them? Would we be capable of assuming our responsibilities?

Would it scare us to discover that perhaps we created the problem?

Maybe this show won’t be able to answer all these questions… But the debate is now open!

Boars” is a funny and at the same time bitter reflection on the distortion of nature brought about by man.

Until January 28th. Info and tickets on


Culture: “Lights in Nature” at the Brancaccio Gardens

Lights in Nature – Life” is preparing to flood your evenings in the Brancaccio Gardens with magic and beauty.

An extraordinary and evocative immersive experience that invites visitors to explore a secret garden in the heart of Rome.

There are 4 thematic areas to move through during the great Roman event:

  2. EARTH
  3. WATER
  4. AIR

Lights in Nature – Life” is an invitation to live an experience pervaded by light.

To explore a dream space where you can perceive the palpable enchantment of nature.

To enjoy a one-of-a-kind visual spectacle.

Tickets available on


Art: “Andy Warhol – Warhol Universe”

The exhibition brings to the public’s attention various aspects and artistic themes of the genius of pop art.

The route goes through the Museo storico della Fanteria and is built by a large collection of silk-screen prints and ceramics, legendary vinyl and magazine covers.

In addition to the famous Polaroid photographs, advertising posters and photographic documents of Warhol‘s filmmaking activity.

Until March 17, 2024. Info and tickets HERE.


Theater: “Processo Galileo” at the Vascello Theatre

A show that invites us to reflect on the relationship we have with scientific truth.

On the relationship between science and power and on the concept of mystery.

Freely inspired by the life and work of Galileo Galilei, “Processo Galileo” is the result of the writing of Angela Dematté and Fabrizio Sinisi, supported by the dramaturg Simona Gonella.

The text investigates the figure of the famous Tuscan scientist and does so starting from his life.

From the documents of the trial he underwent and from the sentence of the Holy Inquisition.

The dense writing of the 2 authors, which develops the narrative in 3 sequences, sheds light on the destinies and questions of the contemporary world.

From January 19th to 27th. Info and tickets on


Theater: “Pasticcio di carne” at the Trastevere Theatre

Main character of the story is a mercenary chef who lives in time suspended between fixed-term and illegal contracts.

Between the wealthy and the anointed.

In a network made up of relationships.

Sometimes it benefits him, other times it leads him to unpredictable places, with spatial gains by working for the digestive systems of the people who matter.

Invited to prepare exquisite libations at the court of politicians, the important ones, he cherishes the feeling of having reached his place in the world.

All together with his faithful Bengali assistant chef Momun.

However, fate has another plan for them.

Meat Pie” is a pulp monologue on stage from 19 to 21 January on the stage of the Teatro Trastevere.

Info and tickets on


Art: “Kaleidoscope”, Alice Pasquini’s personal exhibition

Kaleidoscope represents a journey that explores the narrative and intimate character of human relationships in cities.

Like the kaleidoscope, it creates an infinite number of figures from a single source.

The animations, moving paintings and photograms on display are fragments of small stories that together form a multifaceted image of the city and the emotions that inhabit it.

Art, especially street art, acts as an antidote to marginalization, transforming urban scars into canvases that restore value to neglected things.

Until January 20th. Information on

The Parallel Vision ⚭ _ Paolo Gresta)

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